Things have been trucking along in the lab’ since last fall…
- Anya Wang (Masters Student) graduated in May, and will defend her masters’ thesis in June.
- Caio Tabata Fukushima (Undergrad Assistant) also graduated in May, and will return to URMC in the fall as a PhD student in the Pharm/Phys graduate program.
- Several papers published nominally during 2022 finally made it to journal pages with a 2023 publication dates (see here).
- Paul will be presenting Caio’s work on reverse electron transfer in mitochondrial complex I, at the American Heart Association Basic Cardiovascular Science meeting (AHA BCVS) at the end of July in Boston.
- We still have an open post-doc’ position (link) and have interviewed several candidates but unfortunately visa and other issues prevented us making an hire.
- Paul’s work in the area of scientific integrity continues apace, with over 50 papers reported on last year, plus numerous others found to contain problems during peer review. I’ve been using ImageTwin a lot for pre-screening, and frankly it’s now annoying to be sent a paper to review that hasn’t gone through some kind of similar tool. For those interested, I now have an annotated database with almost 1000 verified examples of image manipulation across more than 500 papers, for use as a training set for AI models or simply as a teaching tool for research integrity programs.
- Paul participated in Skype-A-Scientist for the 4th year in a row, this time talking about mitochondria with 7th graders in Kentucky